Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mother of Child in Second Attacked, Claims Victim Was Targeted for Being Emo

We have now learned that the second attack on July 3rd, that has just come to light to the Police and the public, was an attack where the victim, who is white, was targeted for wearing tight skater pants.

Mother claims that "racial" remarks were then made regarding the boy's pants. It now reported by the mother to be a "one-on-one" engagement, with a crowd watching, instead of the "3-on-one" reported by the Vancouver Province Newspaper and police on friday(link). It is also reported that statmets were then made referencing the eariler assault, on Jay Phillips, during the attack.

The Vancover Province reported (link) that the second attack happened "just hours after the first attack." Still unknown what happened in the time between the two attacks. In an offical RCMP press release:
Subsequent investigation has now revealed that a second altercation later the same evening took place, and may be related to these same individuals.

Voilent crime agaisnt people who participate in the Emo subculture is not new. Emo attacks occur all over the world. Most anti-Emo attacks are fueled by homophobia. They occur independent of the person's race. Take for example the anti-Emo attacks in Mexico that frequently occur there.

I hope we don't see more of these attacks on people based on who they are and what they wear. No matter if you're Goth, Rock-a-billy, Cowboy, Emo, Skater, or Hippie, we should have the freedom to wear whatever we like and where we like without being targeted for the chic we're in.

Time Magaine: Mexico's Emo-Bashing Problem

Let work to make sure that it doesn't become our problem as well.

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