After watching their exclusive interview with Global Nation, I believe they felt sorry for letting this incident happen the way it did. They apologized to the neighborhood for the debacle that took place and to anyone who was offended by the language that was used. And a welcomed statment for me, they also assured the public's safety by saying they're not after anybody. However slightly contradictory, he goes on to say, “We didn’t attack him because he is africian American,we were just driving the truck, It could have happened to anyone – white or black. We’re not into that crap”
When asked “why the language,” the accused stated they weren’t racists but pissed off. They then defended their use of the N-word by saying it was used to make “him mad because he made [them] mad.” And one male also acknowledged that “it shouldn’t have been said.”
The reporter, Dean Stolz, lead the interviewees into answering, "yep" to how the use of the racial slurs were out of character for them. Earlier in the interview, Stolz, who started his broadcasting career 16 years ago, also lead the boys into answering that their use of the racial slur was just a wrong choice of words. I'm slightly dissapointed at Stolz' use of closed ended questions in this interview. These series of pigeonholed questions helped paint these guys in a good light. Journalists are taught that the use of opened ended questions will give more objective answers and will highlight more of the subject's real feelings.
Reporter, Dean Stoltz from Global, asked one of the accused to take him through what happened. The male in the black sweater began to tell the story starting from their departure of the McDonalds drive-thru:
“we were driving the truck through the McDonalds drive-thru when we turned the corner, I guess Jay is his name is – is with a buddy of his on the corner, drove by, something may have been said, and I see a cheese burger flying through the air. That’s when we turned around -- we turned the truck around, and when we did, I preceded out of the truck to ask him ‘why, what are you throwing at my truck.’ He proceeded to throw his hands in the air and call us all names, slander, say he wanted to fight all 3 of us, he’ll take us all on. I don’t want to say the words that he used but that’s pretty much the gist of it.”
When the Stolz wanted to make clear which side the initial insult came from, one male answered,
“we’re not really sure, we seen the cheeseburger flying through the air. We turned around [the truck] and asked him what the deal was. He wouldn’t even answer us why he threw the cheese burger. He just kind of threw his hands in the air calling us all out… you know.”Another male answered by chuckling after saying, “I just actually seen a cheese burger lying in the back of the truck.”

*UPDATE* 10.7.2009 The evening news on CHEK, they used the questionable quoted of the language being "out of character," but had anchor
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