Sunday, November 19, 2017

Robert Rodgers and Adam Huber have White Nationalism Views

No one told Robert Rodgers about the Canadian Charter of Rights. If he actually took the time to read it, he would find out that it's illegal to discriminate against anyone, regardless of their race.

Adam is a self proclaimed "natzi"

 Adam aligns his views with Soldiers of Odin. Apparently there has been a spike of "refugee" violence and rape in Calgary. Why doesn't the liberal media report on this!

Adam Huber still drinking

Unfortunately Adam hasn't quit drinking. Early last year, Adam narrowly escaped a 9 month jail sentence for driving and driving. Instead he got 8 month conditional sentence. Adam's mom and sister can be seen pleading with him to stop driving. In my personal opinion, the "mom rant" should never end. 

8 months later, he is back driving for work. But in May of 2016 he claimed he had quit.