Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Next Court Date Not for Another Year: Aug 2010
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
3 Men in Courtenay Attack Pleads Not Guilty
Not guilty, claims trio
During an arraignment hearing Thursday morning, the three men accused of assaulting Jay Phillips in an attack in Courtenay caught on camera and broadcast on YouTube pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Update: Adam Huber "Late" for court, Arrested Same Day

Looks like Adam Huber was late for court again. Judge had enough and sent the RCMP to pick him up for court.
Pleas imminent in alleged race-motivated attack on man
Sheriffs soon picked him up and he was held in cells for several hours before being brought before Doherty.
Both of Huber's co-accused -- Robert William Rodgers (25) and David Samuel White (19) -- have lawyers and are prepared to plead their cases while Huber remains unrepresented after being denied legal aid.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Adam Huber No Show for Court

36042-1 | HUBER, ADAM David | 1 | Courtenay Law Courts | 24-Sep-2009 09:00 AM | 216 | AHR | WI | |
36042-1 | RODGERS, ROBERT William Roy | 1 | Courtenay Law Courts | 24-Sep-2009 09:00 AM | 216 | AHR | SBD | |
36042-1 | WHITE, DAVID Samuel | 1 | Courtenay Law Courts | 24-Sep-2009 09:00 AM | 216 | AHR | SBD | |
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
September Court Date
Room: 216
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Adam Huber Caught using Homophobic Language
Vancouver Sun: Trio involved in assault have first court appearance
None of the men spoke in court, but Huber shouted homophobic slurs at a CHEK News television reporter who chased he and White for eight blocks after leaving the courthouse
Trio to Appear in Court Today
Room: 216
Monday, August 10, 2009
2nd Court Appearance Scheduled for Aug 20th
Hate crime accused say they feel threatened
Three Courtenay, B.C. men who face assault charges in connection with an allegedly racially motivated fight that showed up on YouTube say they are being victimized.
The three made their first court appearances Thursday in Courtenay, about 220 kilometres north of Victoria, in connection with a July 3 attack on Jay Phillips, 38.
The men — David Samuel White, 19, Adam David Huber, 24, and Robert William Rodgers, 25 — told CBC News following the appearance that they believe the incident has been blown out of proportion and that they are now feeling threatened.
They provided no details of any threats.
Phillips, who is black, was punched and kicked in a fast-food restaurant parking lot in the Vancouver Island city.
Jay Phillips talks with CBC News about the attack he suffered in Courtenay, B.C., on July 3. (CBC)
A video of the brawl appeared on YouTube within days. It is not known who shot the video and posted it to the website.
Each of the men was released on his own recognizance after charges were laid earlier this month, and they won't enter pleas until their next appearance, on Aug. 20.
Phillips, who suffered cuts and bruised ribs, alleged the men shouted racial epithets and threatened him and his family with violence during the fight.
RCMP Const. Tammy Douglas said there are indications the attack was racially motivated and the Mounties have asked their hate crime team to look into it.
It is, however, being treated as an isolated incident and will not be labelled a hate crime until all the evidence is in, Douglas said.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Courtenay Sets Example for Country
Richmond Review: Canada is in an excellent position to foster harmony
Most recently, a 38-year-young black person, Jay Phillips, was attacked by three Caucasian youth. This happened (without any provocation from the victim) in broad daylight in Vancouver Island community of Courtenay. This ugly incident was viewed on YouTube worldwide. To their credit, the residents of Courtenay organized a big rally there and expressed their disgust and rejection of such behaviour. They sent a strong message against racism and hate crime.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
City hits back with Protocol alternative
Comox Valley Echo: Mayor wins narrow support for new statement of values
Last night Phelps persuaded a majority of his council to support a 'statement of community values' he had prepared in a bid to show they supported the spirit of the protocol if not the precise wording.
He also hoped the Community Justice Centre - which promoted the protocol initiative - was still open to minor changes to their own wording that would make it acceptable to Courtenay.
And he offered to help compile a more detailed protocol document that would set out a clear, easy-to-understand and step-by-step action program that could be implemented when an incident took place.
His new statement was supported by three councillors - Jon Ambler, Murray Presley and Larry Jangula - but opposed by Ronna-Rae Leonard and Manno Theos.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Police Say 3 Men Not Involved in Second Attack
Comox Valley Record: No additional charges for YouTube threesome
Comox Valley RCMP say now that the three men charged were not involved in that fight, and that there was no connection between the two incidents. Comox Valley RCMP were unavailable to comment why the warrants were issued or to answer any further questions about the second assault.
More Reports of Attacks at Courtenay McDonalds
Comox Valley Echo: Just Regular Jackasses
Last Friday after a few drinks and dancing at a local bar my friends and I had our designated driver hit the Courtenay McDonalds drive thru where we had the pleasure of watching an orange-haired male in a plaid coat beat another kid down to the ground. Once he had him down he proceeded to kick his head into the side of the concrete building about twenty times. In front of a bunch of other kids, some who were presumably friends of the victim and who pretty much all did NOTHING?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Reasoning and Motive of Second Attack Could be a Ploy to Disguise Hate Attack
After the attack the must have known they did something really bad. Why else would one of the men try to cover up the license plate of the truck while leaving the scene of the crime.
Monday, July 13, 2009
A-News / CTV Interviews Mother of Victim of Second Courtenay Hate Attack
- 3.5 Hours later (approx 11:30pm) a junior-high-aged child was assaulted by a group of men where an unidentified 19-year-old man taunted the boy into a fight. Earlier reports mentioned the 3 men were participants.
- The attack happened in the parking lot of the same McDonalds that was across the street from the attack on Jay Phillps.
- After the fight, one of the men in the group said that the “tight skater pants” were associated with n****ers and that they were actually “n****er killers.”
- They were released on condition to appear in court last week, but now are wanted under an unendorsed warrant due to this second attack coming to light. This means they’ll be under arrest until their court date.
- Not known if they are currently in custody under new warrant
- Not known who else was involved in the second attack
- Not known what happened in the 3.5 hours between the two attacks.
- Wanted to call Phillips out for another fight by using the N-word so close to the scene of the first attack.
- Wanted to make it seem like they're not racist by attacking someone the same race as them. Since they shouted the N-word eariler during the attack of a black man, they wanted to let the RCMP know that they can use the N-word in a non-racial way -- by attacking a white child and using the N-word.
- Wanted to spread the blame on more guys by inviting more people to come watch a second attack. OR wanted more witnesses to point (2) above.
In the interview with A-News, the mother said, "He's a skater so he wears the tight jeans and he was told he shouldn't wear jeans like that because, quote, 'that's how niggers wear their pants', so he looked like a nigger, that they hated niggers, they were actually nigger killers." Then the reporter said that one person made reference to the attack on Jay Phillips 3.5 hours earlier that evening."I'm saying then why three hours later were you in the parking lot of the McDonald's saying, bragging once again about the fight and going on about being nigger killers?" the mother said.Watching the interview, I thought the mother was inelegant at expressing herself, which made me question the sincerity of everything she was claiming.
Echo: Trio charged in attack now suspected of second assault, Police hoping residents won't take vigilante action
Douglas said the second attack was not racially motivated, something that Phillips confirms.
"I think the victim's mother is white, but I think it was what he was wearing, that's what she said to me last night," said Phillips on Friday.
Douglas appealed to the public to remain calm in the wake of the highly publicized attacks.
New Junk Food Instigation Incident Reported in Vancouver

CTV News: Potato chip thrower threatened with gun
A Richmond, B.C., man is facing 15 criminal charges after allegedly threatening a woman with a gun after she threw a potato chip at his truck.
Great Editoral in Vancouver Sun on Racism in Canada
Vancouver Sun: We can't stamp out hate, but we can defend toleranceAmong incidents motivated by race or ethnicity, about half targeted blacks, 13 per cent South Asians, 12 per cent Arabs or West Asians, five per cent Southeast Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, etc.) and five per cent Caucasians. Although only one in 10 hate crimes were motivated by sexual orientation, such attacks were more likely than others to involve violence.
Canada takes pride in its diversity but our multicultural mosaic is truly a fragile co-existence that must be managed with care.
Keeping Courtenay Safe Blog on the Defense
My Suggestion to Fix Our Problem:
You can read my rant to City Hall Here:
I watched as the Courtenay City Council rejected signing the Justice Committees Protocol for dealing with harassment, intimidation & racism.
Anneal Datto shared a personal story of racism that he encountered as a young man on a soccer team.
Mayor Phelps response was "Maybe we should ban Soccer."
I can see the point that this document may be flawed; the wording may not be perfect and the protocol perhaps redundant.
Greg and councillors agreed that it's simply a "Feel Good" document. Right now I need to Feel Good! Courtenay needs to Feel Good, We need to feel Safe, and we need to feel part of a community that shares the values of this protocol.
Stop being so stubborn; in light of these recent events, your reasons don't seem so valid anymore.
Sign the damned protocol.
John Van Egmond
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Mother of Child in Second Attacked, Claims Victim Was Targeted for Being Emo
Subsequent investigation has now revealed that a second altercation later the same evening took place, and may be related to these same individuals.
Time Magaine: Mexico's Emo-Bashing Problem
Insight Into Life of One of the Accused Attackers by Loving Sister
Excerpt from the Keep Courtenay Safe Facebook Group:
David and his so called “friends” fucked up really bad, and they’re going to lose this one, for a huge reason (but not the only reason), it was caught on camera.
I’m sure some of you are travelers in some way, every where around the world there are hate crimes, and it just shocks all of us because it happened so close to home. Do yourselves a favor, see the world and don’t get stuck in a small town like Courtenay where you become jaded and stupid. Educate yourselves by opening yourself up to the world, choose enlightenment over happiness, we often forget what we were taught as small children (and Tina Berg, I thank my mom constantly for teaching us that color doesn’t matter) because we surround ourselves with Courtenay “jiggers” and people that don’t actually care about our well beings. Racism still exists and forever will, but we CAN do something about it! Even our beloved messed up Michael Jackson (RIP) as corny as this may seem said in one of his songs, “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change.”
My siblings and I were brought up Orthodox Jewish for 6 years!??? We were NOT taught to discriminate against color in any way; in fact my dad preached the complete opposite on a near day to day basis. My Father converted while my brother was teased starting at the age of 8 years old. The whole change took a toll on my family. My father later on due to many hardships committed suicide and had previously influenced my brother into drugs and my brother spent a lot of time surrounded by other messed up kids in a juvenile institute at the age of 14. He and the rest of my family have seen things that most adults will never experience. It fucked with his head, and there is NEVER an excuse to HATE on other races, what he and his friends did that day was wrong in every sense of the word, and believe me he IS terrified. There HAVE been threats to not only him but to the families involved. I WILL NOT stand aside, or hide in a cave just because he is my brother. I love my brother, and I called him as soon as I heard just to tell him that, but I also told him my intake on the whole scenario.
Claims of Clean Criminal Record in CHEK Interview by 3 Men are Questioned
Court Services Online: Search Criminal By Participant Name

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Mother of Victim Claims Racisim is Alive and Well
You might not think much of it, or think that it's not racist behaviour, but its a pretense that instills ignorance in people's psych. Then oneday it will come out in an ugly fasion, like it did on July 3rd.
Kirsten Phillips, mother of Jay Phillips, was interviewed by Vancouver Province:
Initially, Kirsten felt the gut-wrenching emotion of a mother watching her son on the pavement getting hammered by six fists.
“My heart stood still and I still choke up when I watch the video,” she said. “But I had to cheer when Jason got up and they started to scatter like little flies.”
“It shows racism is alive and well,” she added. “First and foremost, people are talking about it.”
Adam Huber Refutes Claims of Bigotry
Hopefully this experience will turn a page in Huber’s life and set him in a new positive direction, so that he can be a proper father, who is not full of hate, to his child. I would like to end this with a quote from the famed Denis Leary – “Racism isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a two-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list.”

One of the men involved, Huber, told the Times Colonist he is not a racist and publicity over the incident has cost him his girlfriend, who left with his son, and his home, because he's been forced to move as a result of threats against him. "We're not white supremacists, we're not KKK," Huber said. "It was totally not because he was black."
*However, if they're found to be white supremacists, I'll pray just little bit less for them*
Men Charged Known in the Commuity As Racists and Trouble Makers According to Post
"..... A couple of the "quality" people live in my neighbourhood and always are disrupting the area with loud parties telling the neighbourhood to f off and mind their own business, when you want them to shut-up at 2am. Since their movie came out they have not been around and the area has been nice and quiet every night since.
I hate to say it but the point of my posts was it has been nice and quiet in my neighbourhood since this all came to light. They have been lying low and scarce, haven't been kept awake or woke up at 2am since, it has been very nice. I have staff that know these guys and they tell me this is not out of character for them,
and they are very much tilted towards the racist side. They revel in the deep south thinking, including the confederate flags throughout their homes and a string of racist comments and jokes regularly."

CHEK/GlobalTV 'Their side of the story' Interview, Now Removed from Their Video Archive *UPDATE*

Possibly because the reporting was flawed (video, my concerns) on the video, IMO, is a little self incriminating to the 3 attackers. Or that their account of what happened during the fight did not match the short timeline in the video. One of which is how they claimed they let Jay Phillips back on his feet because they thought he had enough. In the video, it was clearly shown that one of the attackers stopped the onslaught of punches when he notices two cars driving into the complex to intervene.
Read More
Keep Courtenay Safe Blog: http://keepcourtenaysafe.blogspot.com/2009/0........
National Post: http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/posted/archive/20.....
Comox Valley Echo: http://www.canada.com/racists+involved+ass.......

Rampant Accounts of Reverse Racism on Whites, by Aboriginals
- White guys minds his own business doing stereotypical guy thing
- Describes unprovoked attack where a group of native guys uses racially degrading names
- Complains about how nothing became of it or that justice was not served.
The number of these posts and their similarity makes it seem like there is an epidemic of racially motivated attacks of White people by native men. But I just think that there is a group who is trying to use the attack as a way to promote their hate. And if you guys are reading this: This is our town, our problem, and we'll deal with it the Canadian Way! so bugger off.
I’m not denying that there are not any racially motivated attacks committed by a small number of native men. I even know of an account of a friend of mine who was chased by a group of young native men for being white in the interior of BC. But that doesn’t affect my relationship with my other aboriginal friends because I know not everyone is like them. By doing so, I’m breaking the circle of hate.
If we continue the circle of hate, people will blame other people for being jerks, then those people will blame the first people for being jerks… and it will go on and on in a big circle.
If we judge everyone individually when we meet them, we won’t have this problem of hating someone based on their skin colour. Instead you would dislike someone for not returning your stereo, or them returning your car with an empty tank of gas.
Everyone has a different opinion. I like the colour orange and I hate cooked onions because of their texture. I’m pretty sure not all white people hate onions as much as I do, so why should they think the same about race?
Provide Solutions: As a community, strong, positive local role models should be supported. Role models could be someone teaching young men and women the discipline of playing a sport. Or providing extra support to a troubled youth who is routinely expelled from school (one of Jay Phillips' attacker, Adam Huber, was rumored to be expelled from Cumberland Junior School). Sometimes when family situation isn't strong at home, the school district can identity those children and provide them with an afterschool activity that doesn’t involve, a barrier to entry, costly school fee.
There are many charitable groups who help youths, but the support from a school board level is needed to close the gap and idenifty troubled youths. Things like this cost money, and would have to be paid by the Valley’s taxpayers. But I think it’s worth it to have a city full of positively energized kids running around, rather than a bunch of trouble making youth and thugs owning the streets.
Credibility of Statment from Second Victim in Question

I am again saddened to hear that the junior-high-aged boy won't be pressing charges. But who can blame him with all this media attention. At least he is providing valuable information to the police that maybe useful in Jay Phillips' case according to a press statement by RCMP Const. Tammy Douglas.
The 3 men charged with attacking, 38-year-old, Jay Phillips, said in an interview with CHEK, “It could have happened to anyone – white or black. We’re not into that crap.”
An attack did happen to someone black, and reportedly, someone white as well. Did the statement in the interview, coupled with the race of Phillips and the young boy, conveniently or coincidently mirror each other?
Phillips said a mother had called him and reported her junior-high-aged boy had been attacked, allegedly by White, Huber and Rodgers.
"She was crying, saying they beat him up just for what he was wearing," Phillips said. "I told her to press charges."
Douglas said the alleged victim does not want charges laid, but information from the alleged attack can be used to add evidence to the Phillips attack case.
Friday, July 10, 2009
This Time Fair Reporting by CHEK on Interview
I'm glald to see CHEK News is using the interview they did with the 3 charged fairly tonight on their 6PM broadcast. I haven't seen Global National yet.
Questions that Still Need to be Answered
- Did the 3 charged, assult a white male 3 hours later to make it appear they're are not racists to police? What happened between the times of the two assults? Witnesses are needed. Did the 4th man/boy in the dark tank also drive the group of thugs to the scene of the second attack? If so, will he be charged as an accessory by the police?
- Why did the RCMP only pickup the orginal copy of the video on t
he afternoon ofMonday, July 13th -- 3 days after the incident. - Why did Courtenay Mayor say his email was flooded Monday morning and then say he was unaware of the attack before he voted on the protocol that same day. I don't know about you, but the first thing I do is check my email the very second I get into my office.
- What's the deal with the cheeseburger? Surveillance video or eyewitness account needed from McDonald to verify if Jay Phillips, or associate, bought a cheeseburger from McDonalds before heading to the gym. The 3 charged said publicly, a cheeseburger landed in the bed of the truck. Were police able to recover the alleged cheeseburger?
In regards to question 3 if you visit the city of Courtenay Website there is an explaination from the Mayor on why council voted the way they did. Regardless of the unfortunate timing of this vote being declined, it really is a seperate issue from this most unfortunate and horrific event.
The Mayor's Message Talks about the Comox Valley Critical Incident Response Protocol:
Charges Laid - RCMP PR Claims Second Altercation That Day
A little more is now known. But they still need witnesses. If anyone was at [the river]
- Now Comox Valley RCMP are saying the three men were also involved in an altercation later that evening with another teenage boy who was afraid to come forward. That second fight, while not racially-motivated, could support evidence that the three were the instigators in the fight against 38-year-old Phillips, Douglas said.
Douglas said the altercation started when the three drove by Phillips in their red pickup truck and yelled a racial slur. Phillips yelled back “F*ck you” and through a water bottle in their direction. They pulled a U-turn and what happens next has been broadcast on YouTube, garnering international attention.
http://www.timescolonist.com/Three+charged+Courtenay+alleged+racial+swarming/1779304/story.html- In a press release RCMP Const. Tammy Douglas said the file is still under investigation and a second altercation took place after the one caught on video, possibly involving the same three men.
http://www.theprovince.com/Three+charged+wake+Courtney+assault/1779344/story.html- Subsequent investigation has now revealed that a second altercation later the same evening took place, and may be related to these same individuals.
This file is still under investigation and anyone who may have information is asked to contact Comox Valley RCMP at (250) 338-1321 or if you wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. (8477)
Courtenay Mayor Will Make Himself more Accessible to the Public
So he intends to make himself available during the mornings of the first and third Wednesday in each month, starting next Wednesday (July 15).
People will be welcome to drop by in the same way as they do at the mayor's office in Nanaimo and Campbell River, he said.
New Video Footage Minutes after the Truck Drives Away
Phillips Stands by Original Claims of Hate
While Comox Valley RCMP are still considering the evidence with respect to whether or not the incident constitutes a hate crime, Phillips has no doubt.
"I know it was a hate crime," said Phillips. "When you use the word lynch ... and say you're going to kill me and my family? I have a nine-month old boy. That's the wrong thing to say to me."
Dean Stoltz shows Attacker's Letter of Apology to Jay Phillips

Watch Video Here:
On a short segment on Global TV's earily evening news (July 9th), a reference, in the letter, to an alleged thrown cheeseburger was made news by Globle TV. Reporter for CHEK, Dean Stoltz, who earlier that afternoon interviewed the accused attackers, urged Jay to read the letter on his laptop. Jay Phillips, for days, has refused to read the letter until confronted by Stoltz. As Stoltz read out the letter and mentioned the reference to the thrown cheeseburger, Phillips was to quick denounce the Letter of Apology as full of lies. He then asked Stoltz to stop. The letter seemed to have been given to Dean Stoltz in electronic format by the three men. I guess it's an Open Letter of Apology and not personally written for Jay Phillips?
I urge Mr. Stoltz to make public the contents of the letter so we can see why Phillips was so upset by its contents. I question the sincerity of the letter and whether or not it's a sham of an apology. It's a very sensitive time in this case, and right now the Crown counsel is reviewing it to determine if charges should be laid. I also urge the counsel to take a look into the contents of the letters delivered to both Dean Stoltz and Jay Phillips to see if they are identical.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Possible Involvement of Alcohol
I suspect there might be more witnesses at Comox Lake who can give accounts of the demeanor of the 3 men hours before the verbal attack?
*UPDATE 11.7.2009* They said in an interview with Dean Stolz from CHEK that they were at the river before the incident. I wrongly heard Lake in the interview
The Accused 3 Defends their Actions and Apologizes to the Public in an Exclusive Interview with Global National
After watching their exclusive interview with Global Nation, I believe they felt sorry for letting this incident happen the way it did. They apologized to the neighborhood for the debacle that took place and to anyone who was offended by the language that was used. And a welcomed statment for me, they also assured the public's safety by saying they're not after anybody. However slightly contradictory, he goes on to say, “We didn’t attack him because he is africian American,we were just driving the truck, It could have happened to anyone – white or black. We’re not into that crap”
When asked “why the language,” the accused stated they weren’t racists but pissed off. They then defended their use of the N-word by saying it was used to make “him mad because he made [them] mad.” And one male also acknowledged that “it shouldn’t have been said.”
The reporter, Dean Stolz, lead the interviewees into answering, "yep" to how the use of the racial slurs were out of character for them. Earlier in the interview, Stolz, who started his broadcasting career 16 years ago, also lead the boys into answering that their use of the racial slur was just a wrong choice of words. I'm slightly dissapointed at Stolz' use of closed ended questions in this interview. These series of pigeonholed questions helped paint these guys in a good light. Journalists are taught that the use of opened ended questions will give more objective answers and will highlight more of the subject's real feelings.
Reporter, Dean Stoltz from Global, asked one of the accused to take him through what happened. The male in the black sweater began to tell the story starting from their departure of the McDonalds drive-thru:
“we were driving the truck through the McDonalds drive-thru when we turned the corner, I guess Jay is his name is – is with a buddy of his on the corner, drove by, something may have been said, and I see a cheese burger flying through the air. That’s when we turned around -- we turned the truck around, and when we did, I preceded out of the truck to ask him ‘why, what are you throwing at my truck.’ He proceeded to throw his hands in the air and call us all names, slander, say he wanted to fight all 3 of us, he’ll take us all on. I don’t want to say the words that he used but that’s pretty much the gist of it.”
When the Stolz wanted to make clear which side the initial insult came from, one male answered,
“we’re not really sure, we seen the cheeseburger flying through the air. We turned around [the truck] and asked him what the deal was. He wouldn’t even answer us why he threw the cheese burger. He just kind of threw his hands in the air calling us all out… you know.”Another male answered by chuckling after saying, “I just actually seen a cheese burger lying in the back of the truck.”

*UPDATE* 10.7.2009 The evening news on CHEK, they used the questionable quoted of the language being "out of character," but had anchor
Courtenay Police Expects Charges to be Laid
“Charges have not been formally laid yet,” Const. Tammy Douglas said Thursday morning.
They expect charges will be laid soon — and investigators are still finishing their report for Crown counsel, which will make the final decision on charges.
The 3 Accused Racist Claims Their Use of the N-word Was Used Only to Incite Anger in Phillips
In an interview and short segment with Global News at 6PM, all three accused attackers appeared with their identities concealed. They maintain their use of the word N-word, used during the attack, on Jay Phillips was only to incite anger in their target. I guess they think it's okay in that case.
I would like to ask the 3 young men: Do you guys honestly believe it’s acceptable to call someone the N-word in order to get them to fight with you.
I see this all the time with drunk young men in small town bars; groups of smaller guys always trying to start a fight with a bigger guy to prove themselves.
Accused Racist Criticizes Media for Putting His Family in Danger
Gone are the days of being able to call someone the N-word, to provoke a fight, without putting your family’s safety in danger. This fact was hard to swallow by one of the accused in his interview with CTV. This impromptu interview was conducted while in the middle of his family’s move.
If you think you can call someone the N-word to get their blood boiling and NOT think you're going to put your family's saftey in danger, then you must think you're living in another era!
These young men still don't realize they are the ones reponsible for their actions. Ironically, they’ve taken on the victim mentality instead of helping the public heal from this incident.
I would like to close with saying that people, friends, and family associated with the 3 men, shouldn't be harassed. They never did anything wrong. Instead, they should be outraged at the 3 young men for putting them in that situation.
CTV News caught up with the three on Thursday at a Courtenay residence they said the attention is getting to be too much and they are moving out of town.
"I can't answer, I'm in the middle of moving, my wife and kid are in danger, seriously," one of the men told CTV British Columbia's Lisa Rossington.
Huge Turn Out for Peace Rally + PICTURES!

I Hope this sends a message that acts, like what happened July 3rd, will not be tolerated in the Valley.
Over 1,000 people turned out Thursday for a rally, planned to speak out against hate and violence in the Comox Valley.
One of the 3 Men Speaks Out on the Attack
One of the three men accused said yesterday that the incident has been "blown out of proportion."
"Adam," as he identified himself in a telephone interview with CHEK News yesterday, said that he and the other two men are "not racist and not white supremacists."
He did not comment any further.
Attackers Sends Jay Phillips a Letter of Apology
Phillips said Wednesday that one of the three men has since written a letter of apology to him, although he has not yet read it.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
CTV Reports Attack Not Motivated by Hate - Rather a Hamburger Attack by Phillips
New details have emerged about an alleged racist attack in Courtenay, B.C. captured on video. Friends of the suspects charged say the attackers were not motivated by hate.
Phillips says the attackers shouted racial slurs at him before the fight began. Racial slurs can be heard on the video.
But friends of the three accused say the YouTube video doesn't tell the whole story. They told a CTV British Columbia's Lisa Rossington that a cheeseburger was tossed into the truck they were driving before the fight broke out.
*Update* 9.7.2009 I was a bit satirical in my posting of the story above. But I just read an article which, I believe, is more objective in its wording:
Nobody knows yet just what initiated the assault on Phillips. He may have provoked it or it may have been his alleged assailants.
http://www.canada.com/Canadians+must+turn+blind+racism/1774251/story.html*Update* 10.7.2009 Today CHEK/Global released the full interview with these guys. The guys didn't mention anything about anyone getting hurt by the cheeseburger. Apparently it landed in the bed of the truck. And Maybe... just maybe reporting of the cheeseburger attack is news worthy. However, it's still ridiculous to mention in the press.
Objectivity With Ground Roots Bloggers and Viral Videos?

YouTube recently created a citizen reporters' centre. Proponents say there's something about a story reported by a citizen witnessing news events before their eyes that sends a more powerful message, and it's this type of emotional response that drives action among citizens. However, critics say citizen journalism can lack objectivity.
Rally Planned for Thursday at Noon + More Local Leaders Condemns Recent Attacks
"Racism in any form is reprehensible," said Paul Ives, Comox mayor. "It's unacceptable in any practice and is particularly horrible when racist views manifest themselves in violent behaviour."
Vancouver Island North MP John Duncan also spoke out against the incident.
"The people who did this are the exception and not the rule, but if we as a community do not stand up against this type of action, then this behaviour will continue," said Duncan. "We should not hesitate to speak out against intolerance and violence of any kinds or we will ourselves become victims of it."
Jay's Own Account of How it Started
They were yelling “ ‘we're gonna lynch you, we're gonna kill you, get out of our effing town.' I'd never seen these guys before in my life,” said Mr. Phillips, who describes himself as half-black and half-white.
“So I called back ‘eff you too.' They turned the truck around and got out and surrounded me with their fists up.”
“They were saying ‘this is a white town and you and your whole race aren't welcome here.' ”
New Video Emerges

One of the accused seen covering licence plate
Courtenay Mayor and City Council Voted 3-2 Against a Protocol that would help Fight Hate Crimes 3 Days After Attack.
Just five weeks ago, many organizations in the Comox Valley signed on to a protocol to deal with hate crimes at a moving ceremony hosted by former B.C. lieutenant governor Iona Campagnolo.
The only local government not to sign on was the City of Courtenay, whose city hall building is just a few blocks from the site of the attack. Mayor Greg Phelps would not provide specifics about why Courtenay didn’t sign the protocol, but said there was language in the document with which the city is uncomfortable.
There will be no change of heart by Courtenay City Council about signing the Valley's critical incident response protocol. The city was conspicuous by its official absence when the document - drawn up by the Community Justice Centre - was formally signed by 35 local groups and organizations last month.
Aniel Datoo, president of the Community Justice Centre, and Douglas Hillian, a board member, asked councillors to reconsider their spring decision not to sign the protocol.