Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Perspective from a Reader

I would like to share a comment an anonymous reader, which I found thoughtful and gives a new perspective to the case:
Anonymous said...I find it very interesting that for someone who is not attending these court dates, you have so much input on the entire subject. A lot IS being said about what is going on, but if you were actually there in person you would be able to see how much each person that has testified has a different story. Of course memory comes into play, and points are bound to vary, but you would also recognize that Jay Phillips is changing his story immensely and things are definitely not adding up. there is much to say about how the media has exposed the entire subject, plus the information that was given to the RCMP true AND false. I hope that this case brings light to how things can be quickly misconstrued and how rapidly people react to the worst in people. Yes, what the three accused of was shocking and horrifying, but it also could have been dealt with in a much more accurate and responsible manner, perhaps by sending the evidence of the fight that was recorded to the police instead of labeling it "3 white supremacists attack black male," or "hate crime," and then posting it carelessly onto youtube portraying these individuals as monsters when really you know absolutely nothing about these young men, who actually are loving human beings and deserve to be treated fairly just like anyone else. Many lives have been affected even ruined; accused and guilty by association and I just wish that people could understand that there are always two sides to a story and if people are so concerned, disgusted and upset about what they were exposed to, then maybe they should have found the time to look deeper into this and show their concern by showing their faces in the court room. I found it very interesting that in the heat of the moment and for most of the month of at least July, people were coming together to protest and show their support for Jay Phillips. Although yesterday and today looking around in the courtroom, only half of the seats were filled half of which are family members of the accused,the other half being mostly media. I'd also like to point out the fact that the media has crossed a lot of personal boundaries, not just of the 3 accused but also those of which that seem to be guilty by association. Peoples lives are personal and its unfortunate that certain news reporters have trespassed and exposed those that are not at all liable for what happened in that video. Its clear that you have put a lot of time and energy into this blog, and its much appreciated that you are staying up-to-date for those that are watching the case, but its also unfortunate that you have only taken the time to look into the lives of the trios criminal past and was not present to hear Jays past record that was brought up in court. Hope to see more faces tomorrow in court.

I would like to politely disagree with the Anonymous' comment point about how we only looked into the lives of the trio and not Jay’s.

1) Burning crosses, playing with a noose on a tree, and socializing in a room full of racist imagery has ingrained racist ideals and attitudes into young adults, and in this case it was David White. The result: David shouting out racist remarks to a visible minority to incite anger and for a reaction. Or did he do it because he thought it was funny?

2) What does Jay’s past have to do with why David White called him “Nigger”? Just because of Jay’s criminal past, David has the right to call him that word with such hate?

I will agree with how unfairly they were labeled white supremacist. In the age of Facebook, email, and MSN, it’s really easy for rumours to spread. However, I have been to parties on the island before where guys with shaved heads say stuff like “what’s up with this nigger noise” when referring to rap music, and have handed out Neo-Nazi literature to me. And the room that David, Adam and Damien were hanging out in reminded me so much of that party in Campbell River – confederate flags, swastikas and other racist images on the walls. Are you sure they are not racist? And if so, are you also sure it did not play a role in how the fight was instigated

You can respond to post in the comments section


  1. Regardless of how loving they are and how much you want them to be treated fairly. There is a video with them clearly doing something that is considered wrong.

    Personally I feel that these guys aren't dumb, but should know better. Better yet what really needs to be discussed is how this can be stopped. I've lived in the valley for almost 20 years, and over the past few of it I see more and more of these skids going around trying to act so tough. Then when it comes down to facing the reactions to their actions, they become "loving" and these their parents would never have seen it coming, blah blah blah. Yet they have done these things and nobody can change that. No matter how much I imagine these guys wish they could change this (at least I hope they are wishing) and for it to go away. Well I don't see it will with the good media coverage on it.

    And as you said "Of course memory comes into play, and points are bound to vary, but you would also recognize that Jay Phillips is changing his story immensely and things are definitely not adding up. there is much to say about how the media has exposed the entire subject, plus the information that was given to the RCMP true AND false." I want to know from you, has the video changed to be Jay Phillips attacking and verbally assaulting 3 young adult?
    The obvious answer: No. The video will outlast memories and changing stories.

    Okay last thing, I think it was great that the youtube videos were posted with titles as "hate crime" and "3 white supremacists attack black male" because it was a hate crime, there was 3 white (maybe not supremacists) attacking a black male.
    Learn to call a monster a monster. I don't find it careless in the least, and it proved its point didn't it?

    Thank you for reading.

  2. obviously u have never been in the hot seat bein crossed examined, lawyers twist up ur head and things come out differently i know j and i also know who found these idiots b4 the cops and also have had a few run ins with them at the cevron in comox where they ran there mouth 2 bad i have a child or it would have been three funerals so b4 u can say anything mayb u should feel both sides of a cross examination

  3. there are 15 witnesses for this case. 2 of which said that Jay was the one that instigated the fight. like i said before, you would know this if you attended the court dates. so the answer to your question, yes he did verbally assault 3 young adults, just like the the young adults verbally assaulted him, not to mention that one of the witnesses verbally assaulted using a racial slur towards the 3 white males. in the heat of the moment people tend to pick apart the attributes of a person in a negative manner, things are said that are regretted later on. Whoever hasn't sinned cast the first stone. Are you telling me you have never said things that you have regretted in the heat of an argument? didn't think so. what they said and what they did are two different things, what they said was wrong and disgusting, but im just saying there are always 3 sides to a story, jays side, the 3 accused, and then the truth. pay attention to what im talking about. I didn't say that these guys were right in any way, i just mentioned my concern to the fact that people enjoy drama, but aren't willing to look deeper into the truth. don't trust everything you watch on the news. If i was in Jays position I would no doubt about it defend myself, but i also wouldn't exaggerate the story and deny the fact that i didn't fight back or call them pussy's or try and egg them on. standing up for what is right is something that we need more of in this world, but I also believe that people are innocent until proven guilty. note that the whole fight wasn't caught on tape, you don't know what happened before the fight or any of the other details, so im not sure to why you are retaliating to my statement.

  4. it wasnt just the cross examination where mr. phillips changed his story, it was also in the statments he gave to the police. if have such a strong opinions on this matter maybe you should have made your way to the courthouse and watched a bit of the trial.

  5. You are covering for Jay, thanks for letting the authorities know ahead of time.How, will you play this in court? Your anonymous for now. Remember, your story here, because Jay sure can't.
    Watch what you say, this isn't a game, no one is above the law.

  6. I would like to politely disagree with your point about how we only looked into the lives of the trio and not Jay’s.
    1) Burning crosses, playing with a noose on a tree, and socialising in a room full of racist imagery has ingrained racist ideals and attitudes into young adults, and in this case it was David White. The result: David shouting out racist remarks to a visible minority to incite anger and for a reaction. Or did he do it because he thought it was funny?

    2) What does Jay’s past have to do with why David White called him “Nigger”? Just because of Jay’s criminal past, David has the right to call him that awful and hateful word?

    I will agree with how unfairly they were labeled white supremacist. In the age of Facebook, email, and MSN, it’s really easy for rumours to spread. However, I have been to parties on the island before where guys with shaved heads say stuff like “what’s up with this nigger noise” when referring to rap music, and have handed out Neo-Nazi literature to me. And the room that David, Adam and Damien were hanging out in reminded me so much of that party in Campbell River – confederate flags, swastikas and other racist images on the walls. Are you sure they are not racist? And if so, are you also sure it did not play a role in how the fight was instigated?

  7. Regarding: "Whoever hasn't sinned cast the first stone. Are you telling me you have never said things that you have regretted in the heat of an argument? didn't think so."

    Yes, I think everybody has slipped out things that shouldn't be repeated. Growing up we are told not to swear yet we all do... BUT do we go out and act on these harsh, vulgar and possibly violent things we say in the heat of the moment?

    I hope the answer is shouted in your head "No, because that would be WRONG."
